The content of this page is only available in French
Par l'Administration fédérale des contributions AFC Département fédéral des finances DFF /
NOUVEAUTÉS dans le certificat de salaire à compter du 1er janvier 2016
A compter de la période fiscale 2016, les employés ne peuvent plus déduire, dans le cadre de l'impôt fédéral direct, que 3000 francs par an pour les trajets qu'ils effectuent entre leur domicile et leur lieu de travail.
[0] => id
[1] => pid
[2] => tstamp
[3] => headline
[4] => alias
[5] => author
[6] => date
[7] => time
[8] => pageTitle
[9] => description
[10] => subheadline
[11] => teaser
[12] => addImage
[13] => overwriteMeta
[14] => singleSRC
[15] => alt
[16] => imageTitle
[17] => size
[18] => imagemargin
[19] => imageUrl
[20] => fullsize
[21] => caption
[22] => floating
[23] => addEnclosure
[24] => enclosure
[25] => orderEnclosure
[26] => source
[27] => jumpTo
[28] => articleId
[29] => url
[30] => target
[31] => cssClass
[32] => noComments
[33] => featured
[34] => published
[35] => start
[36] => stop
[37] => languageMain
[38] => class
[39] => newsHeadline
[40] => subHeadline
[41] => hasSubHeadline
[42] => linkHeadline
[43] => more
[44] => link
[45] => archive
[46] => count
[47] => text
[48] => hasText
[49] => hasTeaser
[50] => hasMetaFields
[51] => numberOfComments
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[53] => timestamp
[54] => datetime
[55] => width
[56] => height
[57] => arrSize
[58] => imgSize
[59] => picture
[60] => floatClass
[61] => src
[62] => linkTitle
[63] => addBefore
[64] => margin
[65] => href
Par Christophe Bonvin /
Optimisez vos états financiers avec L’AMORTISSEMENT comptable
Lors du bouclement des comptes de votre entreprise, il existe dans le droit comptable suisse de nombreux outils pour influencer votre résultat annuel, à la hausse comme à la baisse.
[0] => id
[1] => pid
[2] => tstamp
[3] => headline
[4] => alias
[5] => author
[6] => date
[7] => time
[8] => pageTitle
[9] => description
[10] => subheadline
[11] => teaser
[12] => addImage
[13] => overwriteMeta
[14] => singleSRC
[15] => alt
[16] => imageTitle
[17] => size
[18] => imagemargin
[19] => imageUrl
[20] => fullsize
[21] => caption
[22] => floating
[23] => addEnclosure
[24] => enclosure
[25] => orderEnclosure
[26] => source
[27] => jumpTo
[28] => articleId
[29] => url
[30] => target
[31] => cssClass
[32] => noComments
[33] => featured
[34] => published
[35] => start
[36] => stop
[37] => languageMain
[38] => class
[39] => newsHeadline
[40] => subHeadline
[41] => hasSubHeadline
[42] => linkHeadline
[43] => more
[44] => link
[45] => archive
[46] => count
[47] => text
[48] => hasText
[49] => hasTeaser
[50] => hasMetaFields
[51] => numberOfComments
[52] => commentCount
[53] => timestamp
[54] => datetime
[55] => width
[56] => height
[57] => arrSize
[58] => imgSize
[59] => picture
[60] => floatClass
[61] => src
[62] => linkTitle
[63] => addBefore
[64] => margin
[65] => href
Par Christophe Bonvin /
Bouclement des comptes 2015 avec le NOUVEAU droit comptable
Depuis le 1er janvier 2013, les principes du nouveau droit comptable peuvent être appliqués par les entreprises de manière facultative.
[0] => id
[1] => pid
[2] => tstamp
[3] => headline
[4] => alias
[5] => author
[6] => date
[7] => time
[8] => pageTitle
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[11] => teaser
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[17] => size
[18] => imagemargin
[19] => imageUrl
[20] => fullsize
[21] => caption
[22] => floating
[23] => addEnclosure
[24] => enclosure
[25] => orderEnclosure
[26] => source
[27] => jumpTo
[28] => articleId
[29] => url
[30] => target
[31] => cssClass
[32] => noComments
[33] => featured
[34] => published
[35] => start
[36] => stop
[37] => languageMain
[38] => class
[39] => newsHeadline
[40] => subHeadline
[41] => hasSubHeadline
[42] => linkHeadline
[43] => more
[44] => link
[45] => archive
[46] => count
[47] => text
[48] => hasText
[49] => hasTeaser
[50] => hasMetaFields
[51] => numberOfComments
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[53] => timestamp
[54] => datetime
[55] => width
[56] => height
[57] => arrSize
[58] => imgSize
[59] => picture
[60] => floatClass
[61] => src
[62] => linkTitle
[63] => addBefore
[64] => margin
[65] => href
[0] => id
[1] => pid
[2] => tstamp
[3] => name
[4] => headline
[5] => type
[6] => levelOffset
[7] => showLevel
[8] => hardLimit
[9] => showProtected
[10] => defineRoot
[11] => rootPage
[12] => navigationTpl
[13] => customTpl
[14] => pages
[15] => orderPages
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[17] => customLabel
[18] => autologin
[19] => jumpTo
[20] => redirectBack
[21] => editable
[22] => memberTpl
[23] => form
[24] => queryType
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[26] => contextLength
[27] => minKeywordLength
[28] => perPage
[29] => searchType
[30] => searchTpl
[31] => inColumn
[32] => skipFirst
[33] => loadFirst
[34] => singleSRC
[35] => url
[36] => imgSize
[37] => useCaption
[38] => fullsize
[39] => multiSRC
[40] => orderSRC
[41] => html
[42] => rss_cache
[43] => rss_feed
[44] => rss_template
[45] => numberOfItems
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[47] => reg_groups
[48] => reg_allowLogin
[49] => reg_skipName
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[52] => reg_homeDir
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[54] => reg_jumpTo
[55] => reg_text
[56] => reg_password
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[58] => groups
[59] => guests
[60] => cssID
[61] => faq_categories
[62] => faq_readerModule
[63] => list_table
[64] => list_fields
[65] => list_where
[66] => list_search
[67] => list_sort
[68] => list_info
[69] => list_info_where
[70] => list_layout
[71] => list_info_layout
[72] => news_archives
[73] => news_featured
[74] => news_jumpToCurrent
[75] => news_readerModule
[76] => news_metaFields
[77] => news_template
[78] => news_format
[79] => news_startDay
[80] => news_order
[81] => news_showQuantity
[82] => newsletters
[83] => nl_channels
[84] => nl_text
[85] => nl_hideChannels
[86] => nl_subscribe
[87] => nl_unsubscribe
[88] => nl_template
[89] => cal_calendar
[90] => cal_noSpan
[91] => cal_hideRunning
[92] => cal_startDay
[93] => cal_format
[94] => cal_ignoreDynamic
[95] => cal_order
[96] => cal_readerModule
[97] => cal_limit
[98] => cal_template
[99] => cal_ctemplate
[100] => cal_showQuantity
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[105] => com_disableCaptcha
[106] => com_template
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[112] => hl
[113] => Template
[114] => articles
[115] => empty
[116] => pagination
[117] => archives
[118] => style
[119] => class