
Services tailor-made for your profile

To provide the most pertinent solutions, we have developed a customized service adapted to 3 distinct types of clients :


Already established businesses wishing to :
  • Maintain effective and up to date accounting
  • Fill out a tax return and receive personalized fiscal advice
  • Acquire optimized insurance coverage
  • Obtain bank financing that meets specific requirements
  • Provide training in the field of economic, tax and accounting current events for employees


Companies in the process of launching, whatever the sector of activity, wishing to start ideally and benefit from professional advice to :
  • Undertake all launching operations, including the choice of legal status, entry in the trade register, establishment of an efficient business plan, negotiations with banks, procedures with regards to social security
  • Benefit from insurance advice to get the best offers at the best price
  • Obtain bank financing to foster the growth of the company


Individuals and families who want to :